Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Change Your Facebook Theme Easily By Firefox add-ons.

hi gyes..i trust all are you decent today.all we are use facebook.the general color of facebook page is white & blue .whose are exhausting to utilize facebook as a part of same shade for their,today i impart to you that how to change the facebook theme by mozila firefox add-ons.this system are given underneath...

#STEP 1:At firet you go firefox then select add-ons and type "stylish" in the search box of add-ons.first which add-ons come install it.after the instalation process,restart your firefox.

#STEP 2:Then click that as shown in below figure.


after that comes a page as shown below.Then clik the page link.

 How to change Facebook Theme on Mozilla Firefox & Google chrome - YouTube[13-41-57]

After that you are brought to a new the title of the page that i marked in the picture below.


STEP 3:Then you install your theme as you like and make fun.

quite soon i give the strategy by google chrome.thanks everyone.

 I given two sreenshot of fb page  that you can see after change your facebook Theme.



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